Differences between revisions 127 and 186 (spanning 59 versions)
Revision 127 as of 2016-11-21 12:02:07
Size: 5400
Editor: gfreudig
Revision 186 as of 2024-10-22 09:36:44
Size: 6340
Editor: maegger
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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#rev 2020-09-14 gfreudig
#rev 2020-09-07 stroth
#rev 2018-11-21 schadavi
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This is a collection of frequently asked questions (FAQ)
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== Email General/ Webbrowser/ Calendar == == Chat, Matrix, Element ==
 * Introduction to the [[Chat|D-ITET Chat servers]] for institutes
 * [[ChatBestPractice|Best practice]] recommendations on how to use the chat services
 * Accounts on federated matrix servers are reachable in Element with their Matrix ID `@<username>:<the-users-matrix-homeserver>`, i.e. `@someone:staffchat.ethz.ch`
 * [[ChatExportRoomKeys|Missing Matrix room-specific E2E keys]] helps in case of `** Unable to decrypt:...`

== Email: General, Webbrowser, Calendar ==
Line 10: Line 20:
 * [[FAQ/FirefoxFreezeAtStart|Firefox freezes for several seconds at first start]]
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 * [[FAQ/IMAPDeleteMails|IMAP: [mailbox-guard] tells me my inbox is over quota, but my inbox is empty. What can i do?]]
 * [[FAQ/IMAPSubfolderHowto|IMAP: How do i create a subfolder?]]
 * [[FAQ/IMAPDeleteMails|IMAP: Instead of deleting the lines are crossed out.]]
Line 14: Line 24:
 * Mailboxguard: How to disable quota mails from mailbox-guard [[FAQ/MailquotaEN|EN]] | [[FAQ/MailquotaDE|DE]]
Line 18: Line 27:
 * [[/LDAPAddressBookETHonOSX|How to use/add the ETH LDAP Address Book on OSX]]  * [[FAQ/GoogleChromeDefault|How to set google-chrome (SEPP) as default browser]]
 * [[FAQ/adressbook_outlook|How to add ETH LDAP adressbook to Outlook]]
 * [[FAQ/winmail_dat|Outlook: How to stop sending winmail.dat attachments]]
 * [[FAQ/outlook_new|Outlook: Important information about Exchange Online (ExO) and Outlook new]]
 * [[FAQ/outlook_pw_prompt|Outlook: Outlook Keeps Asking for Passwords - Steps to Resolve the Issue]]
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== Email Thunderbird == == Email: Thunderbird ==
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 * Errors: [[FAQ/ThunderbirdSubfolderError|Thunderbird moans about subfolders as if they where normal Mailfolders.]]
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== X / Graphical Desktop Environment ==
 * [[FAQ/LoginXEnvironmentTardis|I cannot log in anymore into the X environment on a Linux Tardis Workstation. What can I do?]]
 * [[FAQ/VNCUsage|How do I use VNC?]]
 * [[FAQ/VNCGnomeKeyboardMapping|Completely wrong keyboard-layout after logon to GNOME using VNC]]
== Revision Control Systems (SVN,GIT) ==
 * [[FAQ/SVNCertificateFailureMAC|SVN: HTTPS checkout certificate failure on MAC computers.]]

== X, Graphical Desktop Environment ==
 * [[RemoteAccess/VNC|Remote access to a Linux host's desktop with VNC]]
 * [[FAQ/x11vnc|How do I use use X11VNC?]]
Line 38: Line 52:
 * [[FAQ/ConnectToXServers|How can I connect to X-servers via Putty SSH or SSH Client?]]
Line 40: Line 53:
 * [[FAQ/RemoteApplicationsAndOpenGL|When trying to launch an application remotely (e.g. in VNC) the application crashes with OpenGL related errors]]
 * [[FAQ/DisableKDEDesktopSearch|How to disable KDE Desktop Search]]
Line 46: Line 57:
 * [[FAQ/KDEStretchBlackOn1Login|KDE Plasma on Stretch remains black after first login]]
 * [[FAQ/NoHeadphoneSound|No sound on headphones attached to front panel]]
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== Shell / Terminal Environment / SSH ==
 * [[FAQ/BashAsDefaultShell|How can I have bash as my default shell?]]
== Shell, Terminal Environment, SSH, Network ==
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 * [[FAQ/PuttingSetenvPATH|Why does putting setenv PATH in my .login not work?]]
Line 53: Line 64:
 * [[FAQ/raspberryPiTo802.1x]]
 * [[FAQ/network_connection_problems|My device can't connect to the ETH network]]
Line 54: Line 67:
== Devices ==
 * [[FAQ/MountMediaDevices|How can I mount CDROMs, DVDs or FLOPPIES on ISG.EE Linux?]]
 * [[FAQ/MicUsageTardis|How can I use a Mic on Linux based Tardis Workstations?]]
== macOS ==
 * [[FAQ/X11macOS|Forward X11 applications to a macOS client]]
 * [[FAQ/MacSshTerminalConfig|SSH connections from Mac start with errors similar to "locale name not valid"]]

== Windows 10 ==
 * [[FAQ/X11Windows|Forward X11 applications to a Windows client]]
 * [[FAQ/MicrosoftCloudSubscription|Create Microsoft Cloud Subscription for Office 365 or MS Teams]]
Line 59: Line 76:
 * [[FAQ/AppXYNotStartingUp|Why is Application XY not starting up? Why can't I open certain files?]]
 * [[FAQ/RebootTardis|How can I reboot my Tardis Workstation?]]
 * [[FAQ/RebootLinuxClient|How can I reboot my Linux workstation?]]
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 * [[FAQ/MapMETAKey|How can I map the META key to the left "windows" key (Emacs)?]]
Line 72: Line 87:
 * [[FAQ/PolyboxcmdHowto|How to use polyboxcmd?]]
 * [[FAQ/PolyboxExternalHowto|How can external people upload files to a Polybox account?]]
 * [[WiFiGuest|How can I connect to the internet as a guest?]]
 * [[FAQ/JupyterNotebook|How do I use a Jupyter Notebook?]]
 * [[FAQ/VirtualMaschine|How can I create a virtual machine on my ISG D-ITET-managed Linux machine?]]
 * [[FAQ/RStudio|Using RStudio in a VNC session]]


This is a collection of frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Chat, Matrix, Element

  • Introduction to the D-ITET Chat servers for institutes

  • Best practice recommendations on how to use the chat services

  • Accounts on federated matrix servers are reachable in Element with their Matrix ID @<username>:<the-users-matrix-homeserver>, i.e. @someone:staffchat.ethz.ch

  • Missing Matrix room-specific E2E keys helps in case of ** Unable to decrypt:...

Email: General, Webbrowser, Calendar

Email: Thunderbird

Revision Control Systems (SVN,GIT)

X, Graphical Desktop Environment

Shell, Terminal Environment, SSH, Network


Windows 10



FAQ (last edited 2024-10-22 09:36:44 by maegger)