WiFi Guest access

Guests can connect to the internet for 24 hours through one of the Wifis:

To get internet access you have to connect to either public or public-5 with your device. A login window should pop up if not, try to open a browser and try to navigate to any page.

How To


Click on either public or public-5. Depending on your device and software a little window should pop up


Choose Guest Access Wi-Fi >


Enter your lastname, first name and your mobile phone number. Your number shouldn't contain any spaces.


You should soon (about 10 seconds) get a text message on your phone containing a six digit validation code. Enter your code in the field box.


Now you have to enter and retype a password. The password needs to fulfill the requirements. Please memorize your password.


A summary of your self-registration should now be shown. You should also get the username via text message.


Log in with with the username you got and the password you set earlier.


WiFiGuest (last edited 2023-10-16 14:02:22 by alders)