Question: I'm leaving ETH. How long will my account and email address remain active?
At ETH a vast majority of accesses are managed through given or revoked Services. These services belong to your IAM account and each service can have an individual expiration date. Therefore there is no simple and universal answer to that question.
Answer: for Students
- Access to Software licenses expires shortly after leaving (40 days after the de-registration).
- The mail-address becomes inaccessible 180 days after the de-registration ("Exmatrikulation").
- The account itself (and all services) will then be removed 30 days after (so in total 210 days after de-regisration).
Your D-ITET student account (which is needed to access the computers in the D-ITET student rooms) will be removed either in January or August, shortly before the next semester starts. More information can be found in the article FAQ/AccExpiry
Answer: for Staff/Guests
- Access to Software licenses expires shortly after leaving (40 days after leaving).
- All other ETH services (Exchange Email, VPN Service, Polybox etc.) become inaccessible 180 days after leaving.
- The account itself (and all services) will then be removed 30 days after the expiration of the main services (so in total 210 days after leaving).
- Nevertheless your institute can decide to retain your account for some more time (e.g. to finish some project etc.). But this causes costs and therfore has to be decided by the tehcnical contact of an institute.
- The institute has also the ability to create some forwards for your mailaddress for a specific time.
D-ITET specific information about your expiring account can be found in this computing article -> FAQ/AccExpiry
The Informatik Diensten maintain some leaving document with these and lot of more information in english and German
Steps to be followed before I leave the D-ITET