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Overview of Mapped Drives

Per default, only one drive is mapped: your homedirectory (H:)

Your Homedirectory at D-ITET (H:)

This is where you should save your data. Your Windows 7 userprofile is also stored on this homedirectory.

A scheduled backup job saves this data every night.

Mapping your Homedirectory provided by ID

If you are a student and use a ISG.EE managed Windows 7 workstation, your homedirectory will be provided by us.

If you still want/need to access the homedirectory you used at Hauptgebäude, you can map it yourself.

Mapping via Windows Explorer



Mapping via the command line

For mapping the drive via the command line, open the cmd.

Type the following command:

 net use * \\\dfs\users\<initial_of_your_username>\<your_username> /persistent:yes 

This will do the following:
