Differences between revisions 10 and 658 (spanning 648 versions)
Revision 10 as of 2010-11-16 08:20:18
Size: 687
Editor: bonaccos
Revision 658 as of 2022-10-24 10:37:44
Size: 811
Editor: bonaccos
Comment: move reference for new status site into a wiki important box
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Status = #rev 2018-08-27 mreimers
#rev 2020-08-31 alders
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<<Anchor(2010-11-15-servers-down)>> = General Informations =
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== 2010-11-15: cooling water system outage for some clusters == {{{{#!wiki important
The ISG.EE status page has been moved to https://status.isg.ee.ethz.ch
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On last friday evening one of the cooling water pumps installed in ETZ/D/96.2 stopped working correctly. This forced some of the racks in this server room to shutdown in order to protect the servers from thermal damage. '''All clusters from IFH, IBT, BIWI, TIK, IKT and VAW were affected.'''  * For notifications and announcements of central IT services managed by ID, please visit https://www.ethz.ch/services/de/it-services/service-desk.html
 * For a detailed status overview of central IT services managed by ID, please visit https://ueberwachung.ethz.ch
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The facility management is working on solving the problem. = Archived status reports =
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The servers are currently (08:35) down again. Please even if they come up again, do not use them for long-timed computations as we still do not know when exactly the technician has solved the issue. [[Status/Archive/2010|2010]]
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General Informations

The ISG.EE status page has been moved to https://status.isg.ee.ethz.ch

Archived status reports

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


Status (last edited 2023-10-16 11:24:17 by alders)