Revision 49 as of 2020-09-11 08:06:18

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Managed Windows Computing Environment D-ITET-ISG

Username and password

Support and Support Information

We'll help you to help yourself. Much information about our computing environment can be found in this wiki.

Primary source of information:

If you have a question which is not answered on the Computing website:


You can configure most printers at D-ITET yourself.


Vacation Message in Email




Personal Data

You should save your personal data (files created by yourself) into a subfolder on the H:(Home) drive which is secured by a nightly backup. We can also restore data from a previous day if you delete something accidentally. For a reqeust, send an email to

Your home drive contains profile data. /!\ Therefore, do not delete these folders to make space or clean up a bit.

Local Temporary Data

On every Windows host, there is a folder called C:\Scratch (the equivalent folder on a Linux box would be /scratch). We recommend to use this folder for processing large amounts of computing data. This will also result in a performance boost because you will not read and write data via the network.

/!\ Please be aware that C:\Scratch is not secured by a backup. If the harddisc crashes, your data in there will be lost! /!\
