Usage Policy
- Users are responsible for the safe keeping of their password.
Employees of the IT Services Group (ISG) D-ITET will never ask you for your password.
- Users are not allowed, to give their password to another person.
- Users are required to log off, when leaving computer workstations that are publically accessible.
- If a user believes his or her account information may have been compromised, they are required to contact IT Services Group (ISG) D-ITET immediately, by email or in person at ETF/D/106, in order to reset the account.
- The computers and the personal homepage may not be used for commercial purposes.
- It is not allowed, to use accounts or computers as Spam-, Malware-, or Voting-Bots. Suspicious network-activity will be detected.
- You are responsible for the contents you put on the web. Keep this in mind when you are 'sharing' material on your homepage.
ETH-wide usage policy
Weblink to the english ETH Zurich Acceptable Use Policy for Telematic Resources (BOT)
Weblink to the german Benutzerordnung für Telematik an der ETH Zürich (BOT)
Tips, tricks and guidelines for secure handling of your and ETHs computing resources