Wake on LAN (WOL)

Powered-off managed Windows and Linux workstations can be woken (switched on) by remote with the Linux command line tool reveil.


  1. Log in to login.ee.ethz.ch with your ETH credentials:

    ssh <ETH username>@login.ee.ethz.ch 
  2. List all hosts you are allowed to wake from sleep:

    reveil -l 
  3. Wake the host(s) you want to access:

    reveil <host1> 

⚠ Be responsible and don't wake workstations you don't need to access. The workstations are switched off to save power.

About reveil

Usage information of reveil can be shown by issuing the following command:

ssh <ETH username>@login.ee.ethz.ch reveil -h 

The manual of reveil can be shown with:

ssh <ETH username>@login.ee.ethz.ch man reveil 

Before you switch off your managed workstation

⚠ Not every workstation supports WOL. If you intend to switch off your workstation and want to wake it later, test first if waking works!

If your workstation cannot be woken, send a support request stating the name of your workstation so we can investigate the issue.

Workstations/Network/WOL (last edited 2022-12-02 09:27:27 by stroth)