Revision 48 as of 2025-01-21 13:49:22

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To use your computer in the ETH network you have to establish a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection first.

On this page you can find instructions how to use this service at ETH (open the pane "Instructions / FAQ / How-To" on that page).


To use VPN on Mac OSX, follow the instructions on the following page to set up your VPN connection: VPN on Mac OS X.


Navigate to the ETHZ IT Shop. After authentication, go to "Service Catalog", then to the section "Software and Business Applications", and click in the subsection "Software and Licenses". Click "Order software product". In the search field enter "VPN", then choose (select) the "VPN Client Cisco" for your operating system. The VPN client download instructions can then be found in the "My Products" menu on the left screen side.

Windows 10 - detailed installation and configuration instructions

Use this illustrated guide for obtaining and installing the required software if you are unsure:

VPN on Windows 10

Self-managed Linux Workstations

Please see this documentation:
