Overview of your storage locations
The itetstor service provides a list of links to all storage locations you have access to. This list is invidivual for each user, it is updated once a day. If a link appears in this list you have at least read access to the contents of the linked directory.
Links in itetstor
This list typically contains links to
- Your personal home directory
One or more project home directories you are the owner or a member of
The availability of links may be differ depending fom which operating system or rather through which file sharing mechanism itetstor is accessed.
Access itetstor on Windows
Using a managed Windows client
On a managed Windows client itetstor is mapped to drive S:.
If for some reason drive S: isn't available:
Press the keys Windows and r at the same time to open the run dialog
Enter the path to the server itet-stor followed by your ETH username:
\\itet-stor\<ETH username>
Press Enter
Also see the detailled article about mapped drives.
Using a self-managed Windows client
See the detailled instructions for self-managed windows clients.
Access itetstor on Linux
Using a managed Linux client
On a managed Linux client itetstor is mapped to /itet-stor. Your personal directory is mounted there on demand, access it by
listing the contents of your personal directory with
ls /itet-stor/$USER/
or changing your current directory:
cd /itet-stor/$USER
Some storage locations allow read access to a wide circle and write access only to a small group. If you're a member of such a group, use the access method described for self-managed Linux clients below.
Using a self-managed Linux client
See the detailled instructions for self-managed Linux clients.
Access itetstor on macOS
Make sure you're in the ETH network by WLAN, physical cable or VPN connection
Press the keys CMD and k at the same time to open the Connect to server dialog
Enter the path to the server itet-stor followed by your ETH username prefixed with the protocol smb:
smb://<ETH username>
- Authenticate with your ETH username and password
Important: Changing file permissions with chmod on content of a share mounted via Samba does not work. For an explanation see the page Weirdness of macOS mounting Linux Samba share from our colleagues at D-PHYS. Changing permissions works well while connected to your account through ssh.
Quota of storage locations
Quota used and available for storage locations shown in itetstor are tracked in QuotaView.