Revision 38 as of 2013-05-30 10:10:09

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D-ITET Computing

The facilities of ITET are maintained by us, the members of the IT-Support-Group (ISG.EE).

It is our job to support you, so don't hesitate to visit us at our offices or send us a mail [ ] to ask questions, explain problems you have, and so on.

We try to give you a clear and simple picture of our computing environment. However, we also want to give you correct information.

Don't get discouraged if you don't understand everything at once. That's life and you will make this experience numerous times during your studies. Just keep asking questions.

We do ask you, however, to read the documentation on this web-site and also the messages you receive from us through email or during login. Of course, the fastest help you can often get is the one from the colleagues next to you. Please tell us if you find errors or broken links on these pages.

We also appreciate your own contributions and will be glad to integrate them into the website.

New at D-ITET?

We have prepared some short introductions to our computing environment:
