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Editor: jkoller
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Editor: jkoller
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To adjust your Voice Mailbox, you have to have activated your Voice Mail service. It it isn't you have to request one here:

 * https://helpdesk-anfrage.ethz.ch/hdweb/TelVoiceMailAnfragePre.do

If you already have the service, follow these steps to adjust you personal Voicemailbox.

If these steps don't reach you requirements, you can look on this precise description:

 * Englisch: https://www1.ethz.ch/id/services/list/telefonie/voicemailportal/voice_mail_eng.pdf
 * Deutsch: https://www1.ethz.ch/id/services/list/telefonie/voicemailportal/voice_mail_ger.pdf

==== Step 1: Login to the Client Assistant ====
At first, you have to log in to the [[http://www.voicemail.ethz.ch/cgi_bin/clientassistant/|Client Assistant]]. You can use your '''NETHZ Login name'''. The initial password is '''xpressions'''.

Telephone Manual

This sheet is a Manual for the easier handling of your Telephone.


Here can you see the basic funtions of the telephone who are used often.

"Feste Anrufumleitung"

To setup a bypass, follow these steps:

  1. Goto "Ziele" --> "Umleitung" --> "Feste Umleitung".

  2. Enter the destination-number.
  3. To activate or deactivate press the Button "Anruf umleiten" on your telephone.

"Anruf weitergeben"

During a call you can pass it by with following steps:

  1. During the call, press "Rückfrage".
  2. Enter the number you want to connect with. Now you can talk with this person.
  3. As soon as you ringed off, you have passed the call.


To set a quick dialing, you have to follow these steps:

  1. Goto "Service Menü" --> "Ziele" --> "Kurzrufnummer".

  2. There you have to choose the shortcut between 1 to 9.
  3. If this shortcut is free, you can enter the number.
  4. To use the quick dialing you have to enter "*1<shortcut". Example: "*13".

Voice Mailbox

To adjust your Voice Mailbox, you have to have activated your Voice Mail service. It it isn't you have to request one here:

If you already have the service, follow these steps to adjust you personal Voicemailbox.

If these steps don't reach you requirements, you can look on this precise description:

Step 1: Login to the Client Assistant

At first, you have to log in to the Client Assistant. You can use your NETHZ Login name. The initial password is xpressions.

TelephoneManual (last edited 2020-08-31 15:10:28 by maegger)