Notice on decommissioning: at the end of 2021, ITET's git service will only be available to members of the institute PBL. All others please use
Gitlab usage policy
This document describes the usage policy for the gitlab service hosted on
- This service is for members of D-ITET's institute PBL only.
It is provided by D-ITET and hosted and maintained by ISG D-ITET. You can reach us through
- While only PBL members may own repositories, other ETH users or external users can be given read and/or write access to your repositories.
- You may create up to 10 projects. We can increase this limit if you need to host more projects on Gitlab. Please let us know if this is the case, together with a short explanation.
- Be fair to others. Right now, there are no quotas. All Gitlab repositories are stored on the same volume. So please do not commit huge amounts of binary data to your repositories.
- If you leave D-ITET please
- remove finished projects,
- move ongoing personal projects to some other git hoster,
- organize a change of ownership for projects that are still worked on at PBL. We will change the ownership of these projects as long as the new owner is a member of PBL.
- We will remove projects from the server without prior notice if the owner is not a member of the institute PBL anymore.