Database programming
ANSI-SQL, a declarative language, is the core language standard for most relational database implementations and it's the most popular database language in the world. It consists of DML (data manipulation language, e.g. data queries, -updates, -inserts, -deletes), DDL (data definition language, e.g. table creation, -alteration, -removal) and DCL elements (data control language, e.g. granting and revoking permissions). ISG D-ITET offers MariaDB, a relational database based on (and mostly compatible with) the well-known MySQL software, which implements the ANSI-SQL standard, but it also has vendor-specific extensions regarding syntax, data types, transactions, indexes, (foreign) key constraints, stored procedures and so on.
MariaDB/ MySQL
If you want to perform practical exercises on database design and -programming you can obtain an account on our MariaDB database server. Get in touch with ISG D-ITET (e-mail to and let us know what your plans are. The service runs on, on TCP port 3306.
Besides the basic MariaDB SQL service, we provide phpMyAdmin, a WebUI for SQL queries and database management.
MongoDB/ NoSQL
As an alternative to relational databases, ISG D-ITET offers MongoDB, a NoSQL (nonrelational) JSON-/ object-based database especially suitable with software written in JavaScript. The service is reachable on, on TCP port 27017.
Database service accessibility
All database services are accessible from the internal ETHZ networks only. The only exception is the phpMyAdmin web interface, which can be used globally after user authentication.