Revision 4 as of 2016-09-14 10:50:29

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ISG.EE Windows 7 Selfmanaged Workstation or Laptop

If you are using your private Workstation or Laptop with Windows 7/8 or 10, please following instruction:

  1. Go to the Windows Start Button in down left corner
  2. Under Search Programs and files enter \\

    • Capture_1.PNG

  3. A new Window opens, however you will be first asked to enter you NETHZ Credentials! For Username always use this Syntax d\yourNETHZUsername, then your NETHZ Password. make sure to tick Remember your Credentials.

  4. Now you will see all available Printers. Select the printer you want to install and left click on choose Connect. Printer will be then installed.

  5. Installed Printer can be found under Devices and Printers