ISG D-ITET Windows 10 Selfmanaged Workstation or Laptop

If you are using your private Workstation or Laptop with Windows 7/8 or 10, please following instruction:

  1. Go to the Windows Start Button in down left corner
  2. In the search field enter \\ for D-ITET (ETH Zentrum) or \\ for VAW (ETH Hoengg) users.

    • selfmangePrinting

  3. A new Window opens, however you will be first asked to enter you NETHZ Credentials! For Username always use this Syntax d\<yourNETHZUsername> then your NETHZ Password. Make sure to tick Remember your Credentials.

  4. Now you will see all available Printers.
    • We recommend you add two Printers:
    • Add the card-hp queue Printer. The card-hp (card-ethz) queue allows you to send your Document to the Server and print the Document on every PIA / HP Printer by using your ETH Card to authenticate.


    • Install the PIA Printer which is near your office.
    • Install with a left click on the Printer and choose Connect.

  5. Installed Printer can be found under Devices and Printers

Printing/NashuatecWindows10Selfmanaged (last edited 2024-12-11 13:43:24 by adjordje)