Differences between revisions 6 and 21 (spanning 15 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2016-09-26 11:06:14
Size: 1239
Editor: adjordje
Revision 21 as of 2024-05-10 06:57:04
Size: 1399
Editor: hgiger
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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## page was renamed from Printing/NashuatecWindows7Selfmanaged
#rev 2020-09-07 adjordje
#rev 2018-10-01 adjordje
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= ISG.EE Windows 7 Selfmanaged Workstation or Laptop = = ISG D-ITET Windows 10 Selfmanaged Workstation or Laptop =
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 2. Under '''Search Programs and files''' enter \\pia01.d.ethz.ch or for the VAW Users(Hoenggerberg) use \\pia02.d.ethz.ch  2. In the search field enter '''\\pia01.d.ethz.ch''' for D-ITET (ETH Zentrum) or '''\\pia02.d.ethz.ch''' for VAW (ETH Hoengg) users.
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    {{attachment:Capture_1.PNG}}     {{attachment:pia01.PNG|selfmangePrinting|width=433 height=282}}
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 3. A new Window opens, however you will be first asked to enter you NETHZ Credentials! For Username always use this Syntax '''d\yourNETHZUsername''', then your NETHZ Password. make sure to tick '''Remember your Credentials'''.  3. A new Window opens, however you will be first asked to enter you NETHZ Credentials! For Username always use this Syntax '''d\<yourNETHZUsername>''' then your NETHZ Password. Make sure to tick '''Remember your Credentials'''.
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 4. Now you will see all available Printers.      We recommend you to add two Printers:  4. Now you will see all available Printers.
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    1. Add the eth-card queue Printer. The eth-card queue allows you to send your Document to the Server and print the Document on every PIA / Nashuatec Printer by using your ETH Card to authenticate.     We recommend you add two Printers:
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    {{attachment:eth-card.PNG}}     1. Add the card-hp queue Printer (or card-ethz for the old Nashuatec printers). The card-hp (card-ethz) queue allows you to send your Document to the Server and print the Document on every PIA / HP Printer by using your ETH Card to authenticate.
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   Install always the Printers with a left click on the Printer and choose '''Connect'''. Printer will be then installed.    Install with a left click on the Printer and choose '''Connect'''.

ISG D-ITET Windows 10 Selfmanaged Workstation or Laptop

If you are using your private Workstation or Laptop with Windows 7/8 or 10, please following instruction:

  1. Go to the Windows Start Button in down left corner
  2. In the search field enter \\pia01.d.ethz.ch for D-ITET (ETH Zentrum) or \\pia02.d.ethz.ch for VAW (ETH Hoengg) users.

    • selfmangePrinting

  3. A new Window opens, however you will be first asked to enter you NETHZ Credentials! For Username always use this Syntax d\<yourNETHZUsername> then your NETHZ Password. Make sure to tick Remember your Credentials.

  4. Now you will see all available Printers.
    • We recommend you add two Printers:
    • Add the card-hp queue Printer (or card-ethz for the old Nashuatec printers). The card-hp (card-ethz) queue allows you to send your Document to the Server and print the Document on every PIA / HP Printer by using your ETH Card to authenticate.


    • Install the PIA Printer which is near your office.
    • Install with a left click on the Printer and choose Connect.

  5. Installed Printer can be found under Devices and Printers

Printing/NashuatecWindows10Selfmanaged (last edited 2024-12-11 13:43:24 by adjordje)