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Revision 1 as of 2016-11-25 12:38:56
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Editor: gfreudig
Revision 2 as of 2016-11-25 12:48:12
Size: 359
Editor: gfreudig
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The Sieve mail filtering language (RFC 5228) is a simple language that is optimised to allow efficient server-side filtering of mails. A sieve mail filtering script can be installed from the user and is executed on the mail server at delivery of the mail to the user mailbox. Sieve is a modern alternative to the cryptic procmail filtering. The Sieve mail filtering language (RFC 5228) is a simple language that is optimised to allow efficient server-side filtering of mails. A sieve mail filtering script can be installed from the user and is executed on the mail server at delivery of the mail to the user mailbox. Sieve is a modern alternative to the cryptic language of procmail filter scripts.

The Sieve mail filtering language (RFC 5228) is a simple language that is optimised to allow efficient server-side filtering of mails. A sieve mail filtering script can be installed from the user and is executed on the mail server at delivery of the mail to the user mailbox. Sieve is a modern alternative to the cryptic language of procmail filter scripts.

Email/SieveIntro (last edited 2020-09-10 15:03:19 by gfreudig)