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Revision 1 as of 2010-02-01 11:23:59
Size: 1146
Editor: cresnik
Revision 3 as of 2010-02-05 07:25:14
Size: 1187
Editor: cresnik
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Display Language Operating System

The language in the menus Windows 7 is controlled by the Operating System and can be adjusted via Start -> Control Panel -> Region and Language, tab "Keyboards and Languages", section "Display Language".

As we use a multi-language image provided by ID for the installation of the Operating System, you can select from five different languages:

  • English
  • Deutsch
  • español
  • français
  • italiano

For the changes to take effect, the you must log out and back in.

Display Language Internet Explorer

The language in the menus of Internet Explorer can be adjusted the same as the Display Language of the Operating System, see above. Please note that it is not possible to have Internet Explorer in a different language than the Operating System.

Display Language Of Other Software

If some software can use the display language settings by Windows 7, the display language will be the same as the Operating System. Unfortunately, there are not so many programs who do that. More likely, you will be able to choose from English or German.

Workstations/Windows/DisplayLanguage (last edited 2023-10-16 13:41:55 by alders)