Revision 4 as of 2018-12-11 08:11:24

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Connect to WLAN eduroam with Windows 10

Since mid November 2018 the eduroam WLAN is the preferred wireless network at ETH. This is a step-by-step guide for Windows 10 to connect to eduroam. If you're using WLAN in close proximity to a non-ETH building also offering eduroam WLAN (like the University Hospital) use the eth WLAN instead.

WLAN/VPN Password

Make sure you know your WLAN/VPN password before continuing!

Open Wi-Fi settings

In the Windows start menu

Wi-Fi settings open

Delete known networks eth-5, eth, public-5 and public

In Wi-Fi settings

A list of known networks appears

Add new network eduroam

In Wi-Fi settings

A list of available networks appears

A dialog requesting "User name" and "Password" appears

A dialog "Continue connecting? ..." appears