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Linux is an Open Source "Unix like" operating system available for a variety of hardware architectures (like i386 or AMD64). We are using Linux mostly on our students and stuff workstations and as the operations system on all our number crunchers.

Linux Distributions

We are using at the D-ITET a self-made Linux Distribution which bases on the Debian Sarge distribution. This distribution allows us simple a new creation or updating of a release, security updates and much more (see also in the sections below).

Specialities of the ISG.EE Linux Workstations

Ubuntu + ISG.EE Add-Ons / Neptun Linux Image

To provide a usable Linux distribution for the students and employees of D-ITET, we costumized the Ubuntu Linux installation so that it includes additional packages ("ISG.EE Add-Ons") for the integration in the environment of the ETH Zurich. The resulting distribution we call Ubuntu + ISG.EE Add-Ons. Ubuntu Linux is very user friendly and "just works"! Further information for Ubuntu + ISG.EE Add-Ons is available through:

Computer Rooms

The Linux workstations are located at: