Revision 2 as of 2016-05-11 12:27:20

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Apple Exchange Program for AC-Plug


Dear D-ITET Members,

Apple announced a worldwide recall action for the AC plug.

Due to the period 2003-2015, there are an enormous amount of adapters located at the ETH Offices (included Staff or private).

In order to exchange the big amount for all ETH members, the ID (Informatik Dienste) received replacement Adapters from Apple.

If an ETH Member has an AC-Plug which needs to be replaced, the ISG from the D-ITET has replacement Adapters.

How does the exchange Works:

1. Check if your Adapter is affected. Please have a look on

The first Picture shows you the affected AC-Plug:


The new Adapters will have the "EUR" Logo on it.


For more details please see .

2. Bring the affected Adapter to our Office:

3. We keep the old Adapter you will receive a new Adapter.

During that exchange, no user data or serial numbers will be saved.


Informatik Support Gruppe D-ITET