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Advanced FreeRDP commands

Below, you can find some examples of connection setups made for different situations (network speed, audio, scaling, ...).

Deluxe Fullscreen

xfreerdp-2.0.0 / /d:d /u:username / /gdi:hw /gfx:rfx +gfx-progressive +bitmap-cache +offscreen-cache +glyph-cache /rfx /codec-cache:rfx -compression /bpp:32 /network:lan +fonts +window-drag +menu-anims +wallpaper +decorations +themes +aero +clipboard /sound:sys:pulse /f /multimon /span +toggle-fullscreen

*Fullscreen mode, max. network speed, as many as possible decorations and animations. Audio forwarded.

Deluxe Scaling

xfreerdp-2.0.0 / /d:d /u:USERNAME / /gdi:hw /gfx:rfx +gfx-progressive +bitmap-cache +offscreen-cache +glyph-cache /rfx /codec-cache:rfx -compression /bpp:32 /network:lan +fonts +window-drag +menu-anims +wallpaper +decorations +themes +aero +clipboard /dynamic-resolution /sound:sys:pulse /w:1920 /h:1080

*Start with Full HD resolution, scaling still possible. max. network speed, as many as possible decorations and animations. Audio forwarded.

RemoteApps (BETA)

xfreerdp-2.0.0 / /d:d /u:USERNAME / /app:"||notepad" /rfx

*Start only a single program within a single window (scaling possible)
