Revision 13 as of 2009-06-26 09:21:02

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Printing FAQ


How can I install the printer XY at location ETXY?

  1. Open Start->Run and type \\

  2. Select a printer from the list. They are named in the way ETXY-XY
  3. Doubleclick on the printer and accept any upcoming warnings If you just installed a printer located at ETZSPEZ, make sure to read the guidelines before printing on it.

How can I set the default printer?

  1. Open Start->Settings->Control Panel

  2. Select Printers
  3. Rightclick on the Printer you want to have as default
  4. Set it as Default Printer

Costs: When do I have to pay my printouts and how much does it cost?

Any information on the printing costs can be found here.