Differences between revisions 10 and 12 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 10 as of 2018-11-21 10:22:16
Size: 2922
Editor: schadavi
Revision 12 as of 2018-11-21 10:25:58
Size: 2964
Editor: schadavi
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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|| '''Project accounts''' || Are other users still working with the project data? Will there be a new responsible person? Did you manage an important project website that should still be available? To find out more, please login to a managed Linux box and replace $USERNAME with your username to get a list of project you are part of:<<BR>> {{{ getent group | grep "schadavi" | grep "itet-isg" | cut -f1 -d ":" | sed -E "s/itet-isg-//" }}} || || '''Project accounts''' || Are other users still working with the project data? Will there be a new responsible person? Did you manage an important project website that should still be available? Get a list of all projects where you are at least a member by logging in to a managed Linux box. There type the following command where you replace $USERNAME with your username:<<BR>> {{{ getent group | grep "$USERNAME" | grep "itet-isg" | cut -f1 -d ":" | sed -E "s/itet-isg-//" }}} ||

Leaving your institute

User home

Save all data (and emails) that you still need for your private future.

Jabba account

Please delete all data (incl. hidden files and folders).


On your personal computer at home, install an email client of your choice (Mozilla Thunderbird recommended), setup your D-ITET email account with offline folders Email/MailClient/ThunderbirdImapOffline and then take a backup of your current Thunderbird profile (because a synchronization of an emtpy mailbox could potentially delete your offline copy too).

Email adress:

If you published your ETH email address and need a forward, please let us know your old and future email adresses.

Personal homepage

http://people.ee.ethz.ch/USERNAME or http://n.ethz.ch/~USERNAME/. Does it need to be forwarded to your new homepage? If yes, please let us know.

Extra Homes

If your home has been migrated to nas-itet-01.ethz.ch you can skip this step. Make sure that the sum of all your data (user home + extra home_0 + extra home_1 + extra home_n) does not exceed the amount of 100Gb. Please delete all unimportant data or move your data to an external storage device.

Project accounts

Are other users still working with the project data? Will there be a new responsible person? Did you manage an important project website that should still be available? Get a list of all projects where you are at least a member by logging in to a managed Linux box. There type the following command where you replace $USERNAME with your username:
 getent group | grep "$USERNAME" | grep "itet-isg" | cut -f1 -d ":" | sed -E "s/itet-isg-//" 

SVN Repos

Are you owner of any SVN repository? Are there any other users who still needs to work on your SVN repo? Will there be a new owner of your repos?

MySQL Database

Have you ever requested a MySQL database at D-ITET? Can we delete your databases? Will there be a new owner?

Cron Jobs

Did you set up special cron jobs which are no longer used now?

Verlassen des Institutes

  • Daten von Jabba wegkopieren & löschen (muss leer sein)

  • Daten im Home überprüfen (privates sichern)
  • Extrahomes müssen kleiner als 100Gb sein (auf nas-itet-01.ethz.ch migrierte Homes sind davon nicht betroffen)
  • Emailforward definieren, falls notwendig (ID Contact oder ISG Mailfw)
  • https://isgapps.ee.ethz.ch/ SVN Manager: Meine Repos (Owner), die evt. noch benötigt werden - neuer Owner definieren

  • MySQL Databases - neuer Owner?
  • Projektaccounts Owner weitergeben an neuen Owner
  • Websites (persönliche) müssen weiter geleitet werden?
  • Spezielle Cron Jobs


ITETLeave (last edited 2023-10-16 11:15:12 by alders)