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Revision 13 as of 2021-06-15 08:35:56
Size: 1160
Editor: stroth
Revision 14 as of 2023-02-22 11:46:38
Size: 1196
Editor: bonaccos
Comment: clarify that zsh may not be installed everywhere
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But don't worry, it's no problem to change the shell for all further operations after the login. But don't worry, it's no problem to change the shell for all further operations after the login if `zsh` is available on the system.

How can I have zsh as my default shell?

Everybody on the system has to use bash as login shell, because this allows us to put a standard configuration into each account. This remains the default shell of a User.

But don't worry, it's no problem to change the shell for all further operations after the login if zsh is available on the system.

  1. Create a backup of your ~/.bashrc, as it will be replaced to start zsh and not do anything else

    cp ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.bak
  2. Replace the content of ~/.bashrc with the following commands:

    if [[ $- == *i* ]]; then
        # This is an interactive shell
        if [[ "${0}" == "-bash" || "${0}" == "bash" ]]; then
            # This is bash and a login or non-login shell
            if [[ -x /bin/zsh ]]; then
                # zsh is present and executable
                export SHELL=/bin/zsh
                exec /bin/zsh

/!\ This only replaces bash with zsh for interactive shells, make sure you adapt your cronjobs and scripts yourself in case you want to use zsh there.


FAQ/ZshAsDefaultShell (last edited 2023-02-22 11:46:38 by bonaccos)