Creating your own virtual machine
There are situations where you want to have a system, which you can manage by yourself as 'root', e.g. to install and test software. In such cases a virtual machine is a good idea. To create your own virtual machine on an ISG-managed Linux client proceed as followed:
In '/scratch' create a directory <username>. In addition create '/scratch/<username>/VM' to store your finally created VM.
Download any operating system installation image to '/scratch/<username>'.
- Type following command on the console:
$ vmplayer
- In the upcoming window klick "Create a New Virtual Machine" and use your downloaded virtual machine image.
- Make reasonable settings concerning RAM, CPU and Disk (dependend on your machine's hardware setup):
RAM: min. -> 1-2 GB max. -> 50% of the RAM of your machine CPU: min. -> 1-2 max. -> 50% of the CPUs of your machine Disk: min. -> 10-30 GB max. -> reasonable percentage of your machine's disk (which is '/scratch' by the way)
Finally set the path of your new VM to '/scratch/<username>/VM' and start the installation process.
- After finishing the installation use command 'vmplayer' to start, resp. changing VM parameters in the future.
Note: 'Virtualization Technology' must be activated in the BIOS of your machine to create VMs in your environment. You can test that with following command:
$ ls -l /dev/kvm
If this file doesn't exist, 'Virtualization Technology' is deactivated. In this case write to: to make the BIOS settings accordingly.