Differences between revisions 2 and 10 (spanning 8 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2011-10-13 12:36:19
Size: 1467
Editor: adjordje
Revision 10 as of 2020-09-07 10:47:11
Size: 488
Editor: adjordje
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#rev 2020-09-07 adjordje
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* Dropbox is not available over SEPP on our managed Linux Clients. If you need to use Dropbox please Refer to this site: http://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=2543
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The Dropbox Linux CLI dbcli.py was created to accommodate for the lack of an official Linux CLI for Dropbox. This Python program allows you to query the daemon in a similar manner to the GUI client. Dropbox is not available over SEPP on our managed Linux Clients. Please note that according to the [[http://www.rechtssammlung.ethz.ch/pdf/203.21_BOTfinal-2005.pdf‎|ETH BOT (Benutzerordnung fuer Telematik)]] it is not allowed to use external cloud services for Data related to the ETH.
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The available commands can be obtained by running dbcli.py help:

Usage: dbcli.py <command> [options] ... <command> [options] Available commands:

status - Get overall status for the daemon.
copypublic <file> - Copies the url to the clipboard (? I guess) install <x86/x86_64> - Tries to download the daemon and install it in your home directory. browse <folder> - Browse the specified folder in your browser. copygallery - Copies the gallery url to the clipboard. share <file> - Open the browser and shows share-information. file <file> - Get information about a file/folder. folder <folder> - Get information about a file/folder. help - Gives this. revisions <file> - Opens the revisions page in your browser for the specified file.

Usage Example
$ ./dbcli.py status
up to date
$ ./dbcli.py folder ~/Dropbox/Work
Folder status: up to date
Folder is tagged as: shared
Available options for the folder:
 browse - Browse this folder via the web interface
 share - Add and remove collaborators
Please use 'polybox' instead, which is an installed package on our SEPP repository.

Question: How to use Dropbox on managed Linux Clients?

Dropbox is not available over SEPP on our managed Linux Clients. Please note that according to the ETH BOT (Benutzerordnung fuer Telematik) it is not allowed to use external cloud services for Data related to the ETH.

Please use 'polybox' instead, which is an installed package on our SEPP repository.


FAQ/DropboxManagedLinuxClients (last edited 2020-09-07 10:47:11 by adjordje)