Differences between revisions 83 and 84
Revision 83 as of 2025-02-17 10:21:56
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Editor: hgiger
Revision 84 as of 2025-02-17 10:23:09
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Editor: hgiger
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Should it be the case, that you need to change anything else than the above mentioned settings, you have to contact ISG D-ITET via: [[support@isg.ee.ethz.ch]] In case you need to change anything else than the above mentioned settings, you have to contact ISG D-ITET via: [[support@isg.ee.ethz.ch]]

Mailing lists IAM

Before ordering a mailing list, ask your yourself, "Should 'non-eth persons' be part of the list?"
If 'yes', creating a Sympa list, instead of a IAM mailing list, would be the better choice (see paragraph 'Mailing Lists Sympa' further below).

Ordering mailing lists

To order a new personal mailing list write to support@isg.ee.ethz.ch with following information:

  1) The name of the mailing list
  2) The name of the manager of the mailing list
  3) The name of another person, which should be able to manage the mailing list (optional)

In addition there is the possibility to restrict the persons who should be able to use (write an email to) the mailing list. It's as followed:

  1. Everybody (also people outside ETH)
  2. Only list members
  3. Only people which have an ETH account

where a. Everbody is the standard setting. Due to avoid problems, e.g. lost emails etc., it is recommended to keep the standard setting!

ISG D-ITET will then create a mailing list accordingly. For maintaining it, see next paragraph.

Changing mailing lists

To maintain your personal ETH mailing list, login to: https://www.passwort.ethz.ch and choose your mailing list via 'Mailing List -> Select Mailing List'.
Please note following points:

  1. All D-ITET mailing list names start with '<DEPARTEMENT>-<INST>-listname'. E.g. 'ITET-MINS...' for MINS users, 'ITET-BIWI for BIWI users etc. For departement users it's 'ITET-EE...', e.g. 'ITET-EE-wissmitarb' or 'ITET-EE-admin-tech' etc.

  2. As mailing list owner you are allowed to do following settings:
    •     - List members
          - Add member (e.g. any email address of an ETH user, email address of a shared mailbox or email address of a new created contact)
          - Delete member
          - Add group (e.g. any already created mailing list)
          - Delete group
          - Recertify mailing list (where 'recertify' means to determine, if the list is still needed. Standard setting is every 2 years) 

The handling should be self-explanatory. You can see all these points in the green header, as shown in the screenprint below:


In case you need to change anything else than the above mentioned settings, you have to contact ISG D-ITET via: support@isg.ee.ethz.ch

Mailing Lists Sympa

/!\ Notice on decommissioning: at the end of 2021, ITET's sympa service will only be available to members of the institute CVL. All others please use https://sympa.ethz.ch/.

Mailing-Lists are managed email discussion groups which can have the following features:

User subscription / unsubscription
Users can themselves subscribe or unsubscribe to the mailing-list.
Web archive

Mailing-lists can have an archive of past messages on the web.

Closed groups
Mailing lists can be setup to only allow a restricted set of users on the list (for non-public discussions).
Closed submission
Mailing lists usually only allow subscribed users to post to the mailing-list, thus reducing the amount of SPAM.
Mailing-lists can be configured so that every message must be first approved by an administrator of the mailing-list. This is for example useful for announcement lists.
Web administration

The mailing lists can be administered by the mailing-list administrator (which can be different for every list) on the web. Use the Mailing List Interface

Existing Lists

We host about 50 lists (some hidden to public) on our Sympa server. You can find most of them on the Mailing-Lists page, including the archives and subscription links.

Requesting a New List

To request a new list follow the instructions given in the Sympa Admin Guide ( /!\ German only! ).


Email/Mailinglists (last edited 2025-02-17 10:23:09 by hgiger)