Differences between revisions 8 and 9
Revision 8 as of 2013-05-31 08:32:02
Size: 1473
Editor: maegger
Revision 9 as of 2013-10-11 10:29:43
Size: 671
Editor: bonaccos
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= POP3s Configuration of the Mutt command line email client =
 1. open ~/.muttrc with your favorite text editor

 1. Specify following parameters:

set spoolfile = '/path/to/yourPOP3Inbox'
set smtp_url="smtp://${USER}@smtp.ee.ethz.ch:587/"
set pop_auth_try_all = yes
set pop_authenticators = 'user'
set pop_checkinterval = '60'
set pop_delete = ask-no
set pop_host = 'pops://pop.ee.ethz.ch:995'
set pop_last = no
set pop_pass = ''
set pop_reconnect = ask-yes
set pop_user = 'YourUsername'
set ssl_force_tls=yes
set timeout=10
set arrow_cursor=no

Please note that setting the password {{{ set pop_pass = }}} means storing it in clear text.
  1. save and quit. Start mutt.
  1. fetch your mails by hitting shift-g
  1. '''tested with mutt version >= 1.5.14'''.

IMAPs Configuration of the Mutt command line email client

  1. open ~/.muttrc with your favorite text editor
  2. Specify following parameters:

set folder="imaps://imap.ee.ethz.ch:993"
set smtp_url="smtp://${USER}@smtp.ee.ethz.ch:587/"
set imap_login="${USER}"
set imap_user="${USER}"
set header_cache="${HOME}/.mutt_header_cache"
set ssl_force_tls=yes
set spoolfile="imaps://imap.ee.ethz.ch:993/INBOX"
set timeout=10
set arrow_cursor=no
  1. save and quit. Start mutt.
  2. make sure you use mutt version >= 1.5.14. These settings will not work with older mutt clients.


Email/MailClient/Mutt (last edited 2020-09-10 14:48:59 by gfreudig)