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Email filtering

Email filtering can be done through Sieve. With Sieve, the filter rules are stored on the mailserver. So your emails are filtered in exactly the same way, regardless of the email client you use to read them.

You have several options to manage your filters. You can use

We recommend to use our webmailer in the first place. Especially vacation messages can be defined in a very comfortable way through the webmailer. See Email/Vacation for further details.

The following sections will explain how you get started to manage your email filters with these tools. Choose the one that fits you best. Be careful when editing filters from different clients, e.g. from the webmailer and Thunderbird. The clients may not work well together. The best approach is to always edit your filters with the same client.

Email filtering through the webmailer

  1. Login on

  2. Choose Settings.

  3. Choose Filters.

  4. In the Filter sets list, you will see the entry managesieve. You may create other filter sets, but please note that only one filter set can be active at a time. We thus recommend that you select and use the managesieve filter set through the webmailer.

  5. In the Filters column you may now create new filters with the + Symbol at the bottom of the column. Or you can select existing filters and adapt them or enable/disable or delete them through the sprockets symbol.