Do not create a new, very short page for a sub-topic when it fits on an already-existing page.


[DIFF] 07:34 Info stroth [1-2] #01 Replace individual compression options by the unifying option
#02 Replace lz4 compression by arguments deactivating all compression
[DIFF] 08:06 Info stroth Add bmicgpu10
[DIFF] 13:47 Info pmeier
[DIFF] 10:34 Info stroth Change wording of "on demand" explanation to reflect CVL version
[DIFF] 14:30 Info bonaccos reference new location for LTS documentation
[DIFF] 10:23 Info hgiger [1-3]
[DIFF] 10:23 Info stroth [1-2] #01 Update MINS Fachpraktikum info
#02 Update HODL course info


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