#rev 2020-09-07 hgiger #rev 2018-10-30 stroth ##master-page:HomepageTemplate #format wiki #language en [[RDS|back to RDS]] = RDS Linux Advanced = The simplest method to connect from a managed Linux client to the D-ITET terminal server is by issuing the command {{{#!highlight bash numbers=disable win.start }}} in the terminal. Further options of `win.start` can be shown with {{{#!highlight bash numbers=disable win.start --help }}} The wrapper `win.start` is a simple bash script, it's content may be inspected at `/usr/pack/xfreerdp-2.x.x-sr/amd64-debian-linux10/bin/win.start`. It uses most of the advanced options shown below. == Advanced FreeRDP commands == Below, you can find some examples of connection setups made for different situations (network speed, audio, scaling, ...). === Auto Reconnect === To have the xfreerdp reconnect automatically after a connection timeout use parameters as in the following example: {{{#!highlight bash numbers=disable xfreerdp-2.x.x /v:SERVERNAME.ee.ethz.ch /d:d /u:USERNAME +auto-reconnect /auto-reconnect-max-retries:40 }}} Auto reconnect only works without the graphics and caching parameters shown below. === Change Keyboard Language === If your keyboard settings differ from the default, look for the id of your preferred keyboard layout with the following command: {{{#!highlight bash numbers=disable xfreerdp-2.x.x /kbd-list }}} And add the matching parameter ("Swiss German" in the example below) to your xfreerdp command: {{{#!highlight bash numbers=disable xfreerdp-2.x.x /v:SERVERNAME.ee.ethz.ch /d:d /u:USERNAME /kbd:0x00000807 }}} === Deluxe Fullscreen === Fullscreen mode, max. network speed, as many as possible decorations and animations, audio forwarded to your workstation {{{#!highlight bash numbers=disable xfreerdp-2.x.x /v:SERVERNAME.ee.ethz.ch /d:d /u:USERNAME /gdi:hw /gfx:rfx +gfx-progressive +bitmap-cache +offscreen-cache +glyph-cache /rfx /codec-cache:rfx -compression /bpp:32 /network:lan +fonts +window-drag +menu-anims +wallpaper +decorations +themes +aero +clipboard /sound:sys:pulse /f /multimon /span +toggle-fullscreen }}} === Deluxe Scaling === Full HD resolution, scaling still possible. max. network speed, as many as possible decorations and animationss, audio forwarded to your workstation {{{#!highlight bash numbers=disable xfreerdp-2.x.x /v:SERVERNAME.ee.ethz.ch /d:d /u:USERNAME /gdi:hw /gfx:rfx +gfx-progressive +bitmap-cache +offscreen-cache +glyph-cache /rfx /codec-cache:rfx -compression /bpp:32 /network:lan +fonts +window-drag +menu-anims +wallpaper +decorations +themes +aero +clipboard /dynamic-resolution /sound:sys:pulse /w:1920 /h:1080 }}} === RemoteApps (BETA) === ==== RDP file method ==== * Connect to https://worli.ee.ethz.ch/RDWeb * Login with your nethz credentials: "d\USERNAME" * Download the rdp file of a remote application to a location you remember and give it a meaningful name, for example "notepad.rdp" * The following command starts the remote appication notepad.exe in a scalable window: {{{#!highlight bash numbers=disable xfreerdp-2.x.x ./notepad.rdp /u:USERNAME /d:d }}} ==== Direct connection by using an alias ==== * Follow the procedure above to download the RDP file * Look for the so-called alias of the remote application in the line starting with "remoteapplicationprogram" of "notepad.exe" * Extract the alias after the two pipe symbols. In this case: 'notepad'. * The following command starts the remote application notepad.exe in a scalable window: {{{#!highlight bash numbers=disable xfreerdp-2.x.x /g:worli.ee.ethz.ch /v:satch9.ee.ethz.ch /d:d /u:USERNAME /app:"||notepad" /rfx }}} ---- CategoryHomepage