#rev 2023-05-08 stroth = ISG D-ITET managed laptops user documentation = == Purpose == The ISG D-ITET managed laptops '''are meant''' to: * serve as a mobile frontend to interact with the D-ITET IT infrastructure * provide the freedom of personally managing installed software They are '''NOT''' meant to: * serve as a repository for critical data * provide computational resources to process your data == General setup == A local account by the same name as your ETH account has been created on your laptop. It's the only account allowed to access your laptop besides the administrative account `isgee`. A one-time password is handed to you with the laptop. At first login you'll be asked for this password, to verify it, then your new password and its verification. The harddisk is encrypted and automatically unlocked at boot. Wait out any requests for an unlock password, those disappear after a few seconds. Save your data under `/home/$USER` and `/scratch/$USER`.<
> Keep in mind, '''there is no automatic backup preconfigured'''. Store critical data within the D-ITET infrastructure, i.e. your D-ITET home directory and [[Services/ProjectData|project accounts]]. At first login an interactive script will run to preconfigure access to [[https://ethz.ch/content/dam/ethz/associates/services/Service/IT-Services/files/catalogue/networks/wifi-en.pdf|ETH-WLAN]], [[https://sslvpn.ethz.ch/|ETH-VPN]], [[https://polybox.ethz.ch/|polybox]], [[https://unlimited.ethz.ch/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16452321|Follow-Me printing]] and [[Workstations/FindYourData|itet-stor]]. '''⚠ Make sure your laptop has a working internet connection through the USB-C dock!''' Your credentials will be stored in your [[https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Seahorse|keyring]]. Bookmarks to itet-stor and polybox will be added to the [[https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Nautilus|file manager]]. Specific software is [[Laptops/Software#Preinstalled|preinstalled]], you are allowed to [[Laptops/Software#User_installation|manage further software yourself]]. == Laptop support policy == Upon receiving your laptop you hand over the signed [[https://computing.ee.ethz.ch/Laptops/Support_policy?action=login|support policy]] which establishes your responsibility for maintaining your laptop's software and the extent of ISG D-ITET support for you with your laptop. You are added to a mailing list where we inform you when you have to apply critical security updates or make your laptop available for maintenance. Send any support requests regarding your laptop to support@ee.ethz.ch. == Password policy == * Do not reuse your ETH password for your local user! * Don't use parts of your name in your password * Use a minimum password length of 12 characters * Use at least 3 out of the 4 character groups [UPPERCASE, lowercase, numbers, symbols] == Obtain licenses for commercial software == The preinstalled software packages ''Matlab'' and ''Mathematica'' use an ETH sponsored site license with no cost to you or your institute/group. To record demand and gauge future license requirements, each software user is supposed to license the software. Please log in to the [[https://itshop.ethz.ch/|ETH IT shop]] and obtain these licenses now! == Further information == The above should get you started. For further information see the articles: * [[Laptops/Software|Software installation]]: Information about installed software and how to install your own software * [[Laptops/Optional_setup|Optional setup]]: How to set up printers, polybox etc.