#rev 2020-09-14 gfreudig #rev 2020-09-07 stroth #rev 2018-11-21 schadavi ## page was renamed from SWFAQ <> = FAQ = This is a collection of frequently asked questions (FAQ) == Chat, Matrix, Element == * Introduction to the [[Chat|D-ITET Chat servers]] for institutes * [[ChatBestPractice|Best practice]] recommendations on how to use the chat services * Accounts on federated matrix servers are reachable in Element with their Matrix ID `@:`, i.e. `@someone:staffchat.ethz.ch` * [[ChatExportRoomKeys|Missing Matrix room-specific E2E keys]] helps in case of `** Unable to decrypt:...` == Email: General, Webbrowser, Calendar == * [[FAQ/FirefoxMessages|Why is Firefox/ Thunderbird telling me "already running", "profile in use" or "No running window found"?]] * [[FAQ/FirefoxCantOpenWebsites|Firefox can not open Websites. Error Message can not find https:// Website]] * [[FAQ/FirefoxFreezeAtStart|Firefox freezes for several seconds at first start]] * [[FAQ/HEADERHowto|Headers: How to view the Email Headers?]] * [[FAQ/IMAPDeleteMails|IMAP: Instead of deleting the lines are crossed out.]] * [[FAQ/IMAPSubscriptionHowto|IMAP: How to automatically subscribe to every Mailfolder i have?]] * [[FAQ/WissMitarbRules|Mailinglist: Terms of Use / Nutzungsregeln wiss-mitarb list]] * [[FAQ/KorganizerMigration|Migrating/ setup KOrganizer calendar data if you have problems with KOrganizer]] * [[FAQ/roundcubeError501|Roundcube [Error 501] SERVICE CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE]] * [[FAQ/GoogleChromeDefault|How to set google-chrome (SEPP) as default browser]] * [[FAQ/adressbook_outlook|How to add ETH LDAP adressbook to Outlook]] * [[FAQ/winmail_dat|Outlook: How to stop sending winmail.dat attachments]] * [[FAQ/outlook_new|Outlook: Important information about Exchange Online (ExO) and Outlook new]] * [[FAQ/outlook_pw_prompt|Outlook: Outlook Keeps Asking for Passwords - Steps to Resolve the Issue]] == Email: Thunderbird == * Compacting: [[FAQ/ThunderbirdCompactingFolders|How and why to compact folders.]] * Hidden Emails: [[FAQ/ThunderbirdFolderRepair|Thunderbird hides some emails whereas other clients show all mails.]] * Import: [[FAQ/ThunderbirdImportMbox|How to import Emails in MBOX Format?]] * Invitations: [[FAQ/ThunderbirdNoICSFiles|How to make .ics files from invitations visible?]] * Link opening: [[FAQ/ThunderbirdOpensGNOMEBrowser|HTTP Links in Emails are opened with the wrong Webbrwoser. How do i change that?]] * Mailboxstatus: [[FAQ/ThunderbirdUpdateAllFolders|Only the status of my inbox gets updated. How to change the behavior to update the status on any Folder?]] * Mailto: [[FAQ/FirefoxMailtoLinksInThunderbird|How can I open mailto links in firefox composing in thunderbird?]] * Notification: [[FAQ/ThunderbirdDisablingUpdateNotification|How and why to disable update notification.]] * Space: [[FAQ/IMAPdisableSync|How to free up space occupied by synchronization files?]] == Revision Control Systems (SVN,GIT) == * [[FAQ/SVNCertificateFailureMAC|SVN: HTTPS checkout certificate failure on MAC computers.]] == X, Graphical Desktop Environment == * [[RemoteAccess/VNC|Remote access to a Linux host's desktop with VNC]] * [[FAQ/x11vnc|How do I use use X11VNC?]] * [[FAQ/XForwarding|Why does XForwarding not work anymore?]] * [[FAQ/Recycle_BinDirectory|What is that `Recycle_Bin` directory in my home folder?]] * [[FAQ/GermanUmlauteOnEnglishKeyboard|How to enter german Umlaute and other special characters with an US keyboard]] * [[FAQ/GnomeDesktopIcons|When login under GNOME my Desktop Icons dissapeared]] * [[FAQ/Gnome3Settings|Troubleshoot Gnome 3 Desktop Customizations]] * [[FAQ/KDEPlasmaDesktopCrash|How to restart my KDE Plasma after a crash]] * [[FAQ/KDENoApplicationMenu|How to restore the KDE application menu, if it's suddely empty ]] * [[FAQ/KDEStretchBlackOn1Login|KDE Plasma on Stretch remains black after first login]] * [[FAQ/NoHeadphoneSound|No sound on headphones attached to front panel]] == Shell, Terminal Environment, SSH, Network == * [[FAQ/ZshAsDefaultShell|How can I have zsh as my default shell?]] * [[FAQ/MacSshTerminalConfig|SSH connections from Mac start with errors similar to "locale name not valid"]] * [[FAQ/SSHkeys|SSH Key-Based Authentification]] * [[FAQ/raspberryPiTo802.1x]] * [[FAQ/network_connection_problems|My device can't connect to the ETH network]] == macOS == * [[FAQ/X11macOS|Forward X11 applications to a macOS client]] * [[FAQ/MacSshTerminalConfig|SSH connections from Mac start with errors similar to "locale name not valid"]] == Windows 10 == * [[FAQ/X11Windows|Forward X11 applications to a Windows client]] * [[FAQ/MicrosoftCloudSubscription|Create Microsoft Cloud Subscription for Office 365 or MS Teams]] == Others == * [[FAQ/RebootLinuxClient|How can I reboot my Linux workstation?]] * [[FAQ/ProcessorIdentification|How do i know what kind of processor I am working with?]] * [[FAQ/FindStorageHungryFiles|How can I find space eating files in my home?]] * [[FAQ/GiveWriteAccess|How can I give several users write access to a directory of mine?]] * [[FAQ/WhereToSaveData|Where should I save my data?]] * [[FAQ/CompileInstallAdditionalSoftware|How can I compile/install additional software on a linux tardis workstation?]] * [[FAQ/LicenseProblems|How can I check why my software cannot checkout a license from the license server?]] * [[FAQ/AccountExpiry|I'm leaving ETH. How long will my account and email address remain active?]] * [[FAQ/DropboxManagedLinuxClients|How to use Dropbox on managed Linux Clients?]] * [[FAQ/InstallLaTeXPackages|How can I use a (updated) LaTeX package not provided by the local installation of texlive?]] * [[FAQ/MoinMoinUpgrade|How do I fix moinmoin errors after a python upgrade?]] * [[FAQ/PolyboxcmdHowto|How to use polyboxcmd?]] * [[FAQ/PolyboxExternalHowto|How can external people upload files to a Polybox account?]] * [[WiFiGuest|How can I connect to the internet as a guest?]] * [[FAQ/JupyterNotebook|How do I use a Jupyter Notebook?]] * [[FAQ/VirtualMaschine|How can I create a virtual machine on my ISG D-ITET-managed Linux machine?]] * [[FAQ/RStudio|Using RStudio in a VNC session]] ---- [[CategoryEDUC]]