#rev 2020-08-31 alders = Firefox freezes for several seconds at first start = In case your Firefox profile resides on a network share it might freeze for several seconds at first start or randomly while using. To prevent this add the following to your `.xsessionrc` {{{#!highlight bash numbers=disable [[ $(df -P -T "${HOME}" |tail -n +2 |awk '{print $2}') =~ ^(nfs|smb) ]] && export NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE=yes }}} If you intend to start firefox from the command line add the above line also to your `.profile` === The proposed addition to the release notes of Firefox 60 ESR summarizes the problem as follows === ''In versions Firefox 58 and later, and in Firefox 60 ESR and later, Firefox uses a new format for storing private keys, certificates and certificate trust.<
> Users, who store their home directory or application data directory on a network filesystem, are advised to set the environment variable NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE=yes prior to starting Firefox.<
> Without setting this environment variable, users of network filesystems may experience a major slowdown when starting and using Firefox.''