Differences between revisions 3 and 4
Revision 3 as of 2009-09-29 12:41:42
Size: 1488
Editor: etx-public-dock-112-dhcp
Revision 4 as of 2009-09-29 12:54:43
Size: 1862
Editor: etx-public-dock-112-dhcp
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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|| 2 || Enter the name you've chosen for the VPN Connection (see Step 6 in ''[[Workstations/Network/VPN/Mac OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard"|VPN on Mac OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard"]]'') in the search field located in the upper right corner of the window (Here, it's called "ETHZ VPN"). || {{attachment:002.png}} ||
|| 3 || Multiple Lines appear. Double-Click on the "IPSec XAuth Password" entry. If more than two lines appear, choose the most recent one (Refer to the date column). || {{attachment:003.png}} ||
|| 2 || Enter the name you've chosen for the VPN Connection (see Step 6 in ''[[Workstations/Network/VPN/Mac OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard"|VPN on Mac OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard"]]'') in the search field located in the upper right corner of the window (Here, it's called ''ETHZ VPN''). || {{attachment:002.png}} ||
|| 3 || Multiple Lines appear. Double-Click on the ''IPSec XAuth Password'' entry. If more than two lines appear, choose the most recent one (Refer to the date column). || {{attachment:003.png}} ||
|| 4 || Click on the ''Access Control Tab''. || {{attachment:004.png}} ||
|| 5 || Click on the 'Plus'-Button (+) located in the lower left corner of the window || {{attachment:005.png}} ||
|| 6 || Press the following key combination: Command + Shift + G. A small window appears. Enter ''/usr/libexec'' in the text field, and then click 'Go'|| {{attachment:006.png}} ||

This page is currently being edited and not finished!

OS X VPN Credentials Bug Correction

A bug was discovered in 10.6 and 10.6.1 which forces the user to enter his credentials each time when trying to connect the VPN. Follow the Instructions below to resolve the problem.

A word of caution

The instructions below must be followed carefully. You may render your system unusable by not doing so. While one may recover the system and no data loss should occur, it's still quite a nuisance. So, if you don't feel comfortable doing "fiddling" around in your system, don't hesitate to contact us by mail: support@ee.ethz.ch



Exemplary Picture


Open the Application "Keychain Access". It can be found either by using Spotlight (fastest) or by navigating to this Path: Applications > Utilities



Enter the name you've chosen for the VPN Connection (see Step 6 in VPN on Mac OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard") in the search field located in the upper right corner of the window (Here, it's called ETHZ VPN).



Multiple Lines appear. Double-Click on the IPSec XAuth Password entry. If more than two lines appear, choose the most recent one (Refer to the date column).



Click on the Access Control Tab.



Click on the 'Plus'-Button (+) located in the lower left corner of the window



Press the following key combination: Command + Shift + G. A small window appears. Enter /usr/libexec in the text field, and then click 'Go'




Workstations/Network/VPN/OSX Keychain (last edited 2020-09-10 14:19:50 by adjordje)